Hardware and Networking

        This course will mainly focus on developing knowledge and skills of a person in computer hardware and network. A computer system has various integrated parts commonly known as hardware. All the integrated parts work together for proper functioning of a computer system. If a computer does not work, it may be due to problem in anyone of the components. After you click the ON button in a computer, sometimes a computer may not work either of a cable failure, lose connection of cables, socket problem, RAM problem, hard disk failure, etc. We should be able to detect and resolve the issues.
Networking means the physical connection of cables among the computer system and other computing devices in LAN or WAN. The networking course will develop knowledge and skills to configure internet and intranet in home or organization. Along with configuration, it will also provide knowledge of resolving all kinds of issues related to network failure and connections.
        The objective of the course "Hardware and Network Training" is to provide in depth knowledge of all the computer devices. An individual can independently assemble, disassemble computer, install software, configure network devices, computers in the network, etc.
The objectives of Hardware and Network Training can be listed as:
  • To understand how computer works; input and output system, power cabling system, storage systems.
  • To be able to identify and assemble different parts of hardware like CPU, RAM, motherboard, processor, data and power cables etc.
  • To be able to install, uninstall software and troubleshoot software related issues.
  • To be able to identify, connect and configure different types and parts of network.
  • To be able to diagnose and troubleshoot problems related to network adapters.

Who can join Hardware and Networking?

This course has been specially designed to provide fundamental concepts and then to develop skills and logic required while dealing with hardware and network associated scenarios. Basic knowledge of computer and its operation are plus for this training.
Hardware and Network training is very beneficial for people who require frequent use of computers. It is very beneficial for:
  • Students seeking to further their knowledge in computer hardware and network.
  • Job seekers looking for entering into entry level computer hardware and networking positions.
  • Students preparing for certification exams related to hardware and network like A+, CISCO
  • Professionals working in IT related sector to develop proficiency in their work.

Module 1: Hardware Training Syllabus
Module 2: Networking Syllabus
  • Introduction to Hardware and Software
  • Types of software and their use.
  • Knowledge of Hardware Peripherals and their use
  • Assembling a computer
  • Dissembling the computer
  • Troubleshoot
  • Install device drivers
  • Using devices like scanner, printer
  • Knowledge of formatting and disk partitioning
  • Use and importance of BIOS
  • Knowledge of POST (Power On Self Test)
  • Installing OS (operating system)
  • Introduction to File System
  • Knowledge of Computer management to split disk, merge disks etc.
  • Knowledge of Utility software like Antivirus, upgrading antivirus, disk-defragmenter
  • Running Ghost to replicate system for fast installation
  • Installing OS using USB Disk (Pen Drive)
  • Different types of users and their access privilege
  • Controlling access of files and folders in the local computer
  • Introduction to AT and ATX Casing
  • Introduction to Motherboards
  • Assembling and Dissembling
  • Introduction to Input and Output Devices
  • BIOS AND CMOS Introduction
  • Introduction to VMWARE(VIRTUAL MACHINE)
  • OS Installation like WINDOWS XP,7,8 AND LINUX(UBUNTU)
  • Introduction to COMMAND PROMPT
  • Installation of various software
  • Account Creation, Quota, Folder Locking, Encryption, Disk Management
  • Dual Booting OR Multi-Booting
  • Repairing OS, Making image of CD and Drive, CD and DVD Burning
  • Introduction TO HIREN CD
  • Tricks- Cracking Administrator Password, Deep Freeze Crack, Creating Bootable USB for XP,7,8 OS.
  • Introduction to types of Network
  • Installing Windows Server
  • Concept of IP Address
  • Using Switch
  • Configuring LAN
  • Knowledge of wired and wireless network, their use and differences
  • Knowledge of Twisted Pair Cable
  • Clamping (RJ45)
  • Configuring a router
  • Sharing internet
  • Sharing files and printer in the network
  • Installing Active Directory
  • Create domain
  • Creating Users and defining access level privileges
After the completion of the course one can work as a hardware technician or network technician.

Learning Outcome

     Hardware course will enable student to deal all the aspects related to computer hardware. They can resolve any kind of technical problem in hardware like fault finding, repairing, assembling new hardware, etc. Networking course will enable student to configure networks in any kind of LAN. They can resolve technical issues in networking like connectivity problems, configuration problems, etc. Moreover, students should be able to configure and run Window Server Environment in an organization.
No.1 IT Training Nepal

Baijanath Gaupalika-7, Banke, Nepal
Email: no1itnepal@gmail.com
Phone NO: 081-521XXX

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